Thursday, November 16, 2006

...or is anyone surprised that OJ is back?

I knew this would happen! It was just a matter of time before some TV executive would stand up at a meeting and proclaim, " I have an idea. Let's do something with OJ Simpson!" Actually, are you surprised that Fox is the purveyor of this sleeze. Even Al Jazeera has more class. Pretty soon America's favorite double murderer will be on Oprah. Then perhaps he'll sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl.

Spare me the, "innocent 'til proven guilty" speech. The American judicial system is still trying to live that trial down. Paging Judge Ito. Jack McCoy could have convicted this guy...and, in under an hour.

This creep deserves to be in San Quentin or in hell. He does not deserve to be on TV unless he's doing the "perp walk". Rupert Murdoch should be ashamed. (Like Rupert Murdoch is capable of shame.)

Please do not watch this interview no matter how curious you might be; and don't even touch the book. The only punishment available to America at this point is total ostracism. Ignore this creep.

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