...or has everyone had about enough of George W. Bush?
If you are a fan of this administration; if you think that George W Bush is just doing one hell of a job as president; if you think that we should repeal the XXII Amendment so that George can run again - you may want to go read George Will. For those who remain:
Let's talk Iraq.
For the record... opposition to America's unwarranted attack on Iraq does not make a person anti-American or unpatriotic. You are not a traitor if you suggest that we need to find a way out of this disaster...soon.
Bush & Co. have a lot to answer for with regards this war. They have lied and misdirected the American people at every opportunity. They have added new meaning to the phrase "by any means necessary". George and the boys wanted this war, and by God they got it. They sold it to America as shamelessly as any bait-and-switch huckster. The president might not have known about a planned attack on Sept 11, 2001, but he managed to turn events to his purpose. One wonders how Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the gang would have justified invading Old Saddam without the destruction of the WTC; but make no mistake, they would have managed. Bin Laden just made it easier.
Can there be one single person in this country that believes that George W. Bush never intended to link the attacks on 9/11 to the invasion of Iraq? For him to stand in front of America and boldly assert that we attacked Saddam for any other reason is a insult.
We can argue about the intelligence concerning WMD and every other red herring that these deceitful men have put forth, but none of it means a thing. Forget about Dick Cheney (if you can) and his rosy predictions of the war's rapid, glorious conclusion. Ignore Don Rumsfeld's almost criminal lack of planning and understanding of modern warfare in spite of repeated warning from everyone in the Pentagon.
This country was conned into this ridiculous, embarrassing conflict by its leaders who continually reinforced one message; It was Arabs/Muslims who attacked us and the invasion of Iraq is payback.
Can there really be any citizens left in this country who think that Saddam Hussein had the weapons necessary to attack the United States? Then why the hell are our kids dying in the desert? See above.
I know. Many of you don't like the things that Democrats believe. You don't like Hillary Clinton, Al Sharpton, or Al Gore. Tough. None of those feelings can possibly hold a candle to the realization that you were lied to by the people you elected to lead the country.
We impeached Bill Clinton and he only lied about sex. We were angry, not because Bill got a bj in the Oval Office, but because the president of our country looked like a fool. He embarrassed us. However, 2,600 Americans aren't dead because of Bill's infidelity. If you must blame Bill Clinton for something, blame him for ignoring the same warnings that GWB ignored. 9/11/2001 could just as easily have been 9/11/1998.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rove & Co. repeatedly misled America about Saddam's ability to wage war and sent Colin Powell to the UN to reinforce the big lie to the world. Powell, a man of actual character and integrity, was constantly marginalized by the Bush's people but when it came time to sell the war to the rest of the planet, Colin was the guy. Why did we even bother? World opinion never mattered.
Powell's misplaced sense of loyalty prevented him from retiring as Secretary of State until after the 2004 election, and he hasn't been heard publicly since. How much damage might he have done if he had told the truth about the run-up to combat in March 2003. He'd make a hell of a witness at the Bush impeachment.
Now that this catastrophe in the Middle East is swirling toward the drain, the administration is playing it's final desperate, despicable card.
The White House is accusing anyone and everyone who opposes continuing this nightmare of "appeasing terrorists". The line goes that if we don't continue the war in Iraq, we are guilty of the same mistakes that Neville Chamberlain made in dealing with Hitler at Munich in 1938. This would be funny if it weren't costing American lives. Hitler was a serious threat to England. He had the will and the muscle to make war anywhere in Europe. Had Chamberlain played hard ball, WWII probably would have started that much sooner, but it could never have been prevented. In any event, no one at that time (including Churchill) was suggesting that England should attack Heir Hitler in 1938. Let's also try to remember that Hitler was elected in a democratic election.
But why bother to point out the flaws in this shameless monologue. All the White House wants is an excuse to use Hitler, Bin Laden and Saddam in the same sentence.
At least the president's library has a few history books. If they look really hard, perhaps they will find a volume on the closing years of the Vietnam conflict.
When it was clear that our involvement in Southeast Asia was going nowhere (Nixon's library apparently included no books on French Indochina), the White House constantly impuned the patriotism of war protesters even those who had served. Nixon was quoted as saying, "Opposition to the war is the biggest single factor working against the United States." Sound familiar None of the dire predictions of the Nixon administration regarding Communists invading San Francisco, should we fail in Vietnam, came to pass.
The real tragedy of Iraq is that we are now powerless to confront the real threat to the region proposed by Iran. We clearly do not have the ground forces to confront the Iranians should they cross their border, and the lesson of Vietnam is that once America leaves the field, we have no desire to return for round two. Nice job, George. You fell for the geopolitical version of the rope-a-dope.
If there is any good news, it is that America is catching on quicker than we did during Vietnam. Let's hope that our fearless leaders can read the tea leaves and craft an exit strategy before more lives are lost.
We don't even mind if you lie to us.
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