...or is polygamy a concept that only God understands?
A recent archaeological expedition in Spain uncovered a cave painting, which when translated read: "Take my wives...please!"
Comedians since the dawn of time have made a living lampooning marriage. The underlying truth is, of course, that marriage is a tricky business. You have a better chance of opening a successful restaurant in Manhattan than you do staying married to the same person for seven years. So, if it's so difficult for people to navigate the waters of one relationship, why would anyone want to try it with two or more partners?
First of all: Have you noticed that it's always men with multiple wives - not the other way around. Once again, women show themselves to be the more intelligent sex.
Second: Why would any women let themselves get into one of these relationships? Brain washing? Low self esteem? Bad hair day? At least the "marital obligations" (wink! wink!) get divided among the team.
Third,(and you knew this was coming): Have you noticed that all of these nutjobs are out in the Red States? Massachusetts, where those sinful gay marriages are legal, is not dealing with men who feel the need to sire five families.
At some points in history it may have been necessary for men to have more than one wife to more rapidly increase the population. Wars caused an inbalance in the boy to girl ratios. Infant mortality being what it was, there was always a chance of a tribe or civilization dyinng out. Now, however, some deluded souls feel that they are too special to be limited to just one woman.
The state attorney generals of Arizona and Utah place the number of state residents practicing polygamy at between 20,000 and 40,000. I don't know if that represents just men with multiple spouses, or if the figure includes wives. It is also unclear how many wives each polygamous husband feels is sufficient. One would imagine that supply and demand would come into play. The figures are scary in any event.
Nevada recently arrested one Warren Jeffs. It seems that Mr. Jeffs, age 50, has wives numbering in double figures, many of whom are under age. The rest of the story is fairly predictable.
Old Warren is the son of Rulon Jeffs, the leader of a break-away Mormon group that is big on polygamy. (If multiple partners is such a good idea, why do these guys need to bring God into the equation?) Having started their own church, the first commandment is that the women, (and apparently the kids, too), have to sleep with the leader. Charlie Manson, David Koresh, and Jim Jones all professed a divine spark and used it to seduce their female followers. None of the sheep that follow these guys ever notice the pattern. My guess is that they have been abused by men all their lives and at least the church provides structure and a measure of safety...unless, you were following Jim Jones).
The current Mr. Jeffs claims 10,000 followers. Yikes!
Television, in yet another attempt to be on the cutting edge of bad taste, actually made a comedy series for HBO, loosely based on Mr. Jeffs families. The show, called "Big Love", presumably left out the parts about shtooping fourteen-year olds.
There's nothing funny about exploiting vulnerable women and children. If states like South Dakota (or maybe it's North Dakota) would stop worrying about gay couples and Planned Parenthood for one minute, they might try sending a few of these animals to jail.
Fortunately for Mr. Jeffs, he won't have to worry about multiple partners in prison. He'll just be on the receiving end for a change. (Ouch!)
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