...or does Katherine Harris personify obnoxious?
Seriously, if the people of Florida don't see the hand of God in all these hurricanes, I don't know what it will take. Electing people like Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris to high office was bound to bring down the wrath of the almighty.
Ms. Harris is desperately seeking her party's nomination for the Senate. To that end, she was quoted in the Florida Baptist Witness (I guess the Times reporter wasn't available) saying that the separation of church and state in America is a "lie", and that God and the Founding Fathers did not intend for America to be a "nation of secular laws". She stated that if Christians are not elected, politicians will legalize sin, including abortion and gay marriage. (If we do legalize sin, those are not at the top of my list.)
If it's one thing we can never get enough of, it's politicians that know the will of the Almighty. I wonder if He told her who will be the next American Idol.
Let's be clear about one thing. The Founding Fathers were not divinely inspired. They were wealthy, practical men who had a healthy skepticism for organized religion. There is a reason why the First Amendment leads with the statement "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion". The founders weren't atheists, (and would have been disinclined to admit it if they were, but they had seen the damaging effects of state-sponsored religion. If Ms. Harris had recently perused a newspaper, (aside from the Florida Baptist Witness), she might have noticed the delights of mingling God and law... in Iran. Make no mistake, the imams think that God/Allah is a Muslim. They think that they're right and that we are the great Satan.
But Ms. Harris can be forgiven. After all she's had a rough go recently.
As we all remember from our history books, Katherine was the Florida secretary of state during that messy election in 2000. With her help, the recount in Florida was stopped and GW was ultimately declared our 43rd President.
Please, no tears from you whiney Democrats who feel that the 2000 election was stolen by Katherine and the Supremes. If you are a presidential candidate and you can't win your own state, or the state of the most popular out-going president since FDR, you don't deserve to complain about the raw deal you got at Disneyworld. If Al Gore wins either Tennessee or Arkansas, Florida doesn't matter and Katherine Harris would have remained in the obscurity she so richly deserves.
Ms. Harris has been very busy since 2000. In 2002 she called in her chits from the presidential fracus and was awarded the GOP nomination for Congress from the 13th district - a district so far to the right that John Michael Karr could get elected if he ran as a Republican.
Convinced that it was her charm and good looks, (more about that later), that won the day in '02 she immediately began to explore the possibility of running for the Senate in 2004. The Rove/Bush cabal had other ideas. Mel Martinez was next in line. Mel, after all would give the GOP that "diversity" image that they are so desperate to project. (See also Condi Rice and Albert Gonzales). Sadly, the only subgroup that Katherine could call her own was the rich,w hite, cosmetically challenged. (OK you knew that was coming.) She agreed to sit out in '04 but bargained her way into a promise of support to challenge Bill Nelson for the other Florida Senate seat in 2006.
Well, here we are in '06 and Dear Katherine is about as popular with the GOP as bird flu in in Col. Saunders chicken coop.
For at least the last year KH has been under investigation by the FBI for accepting illegal campaign contributions from a convicted felon named Michael Wade from MZM Corp. The details are boring but available. Naturally, Katherine was shocked, shocked! to learn that the contributions were illegal, (and that Rep. Jefferson assumes that we all keep $90,000 in our freezer).
The gang at the White House might suck at foreign affairs but they're aces at politics and they know a loser when they see one. (They should. They've elected enough of them. Rim shot). The GOP has been combing the palm trees to find a different candidate on the theory that anyone would be better than Katherine. Bad news. For the second time in a week, Pluto was excluded.
This sort of messy politics is more typical of the Democrats than the GOP. Karl Rove must be having an off year. Whether Ms. Harris is nominated or not, she has a much better chance of being sworn in at the Justice Dept. than in the Senate. At least she'll be able to swear to God.
Just remember, it's hurricane season!
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