More news you can't use:
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Shalikashvili (a man whose name is longer than his length of service) has announced that he has "changed his mind" regarding homosexuals serving openly in the military. The retired general further announced that his decision was in no way altered by his impending marriage to Marine Lt. Col. Waldo "Butch" Emerson. The two hope to wed in Massachusetts within the year.
Five employees of a baggage-handling contractor have been charged with the theft of 158 pieces of luggage at Houston's George H.W. Bush International Airport. The thieves were allowed to retain their jobs, however, because in spite of the theft, they still lost fewer bags than the average baggage employee.
Always good for a laugh, Pat "Nostradamus" Robertson advised his listeners that, in a personal revelation from God, there will be a terrorist attack in the U.S. in 2007 that will result in mass killing. And I thought that XM Satellite had some strange stations.
Remember it was Pat that reminded us that: God steered hurricanes away from his Virginia Beach Broadcast Center...Feminists, lesbians, gays and the American Civil Liberties Union caused Sept. 11 to happen... and, the U.S. should assassinate Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Why God would talk to this mope is anyone's guess. Check your bridgework, Pat. There's a chance you are picking up Howard Stern with your molars. If you ever do hear from the Almighty, expect comments like "Shut up" or "Please return all the money you have collected pretending to be My voice on earth."
I guess there is balance in the universe. Black people have Al Sharpton, white people have Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.
There is an old admonition that goes, "you could screw up a two-car funeral". To that we now add,"you could screw up a one-man hanging." The Iraqi government showed the world that, much like the current American administration, they are great on planning but shaky on execution. Considering the botched job the Iraqis made of the state-sponsored death of Saddam Hussein, it's a wonder the man is dead. All things considered, the security was pretty good. It took a whole day for the entire thing to make it to YouTube. Let's hope Bin Laden isn't captured in Takrit.
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