Things I don't understand:
Exactly what is a Kardashian and what benefit do they provide to the common good?
If religion is so important in the explanation of the shootings at Fort Hood, why don't we know the religious beliefs of the Columbine killers or whether David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz was a practicing Jew? Did Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh's Christianity influence his actions?
How did an obnoxious pair of celebrity wannabes like Tareq and Michaele Salahi waltz past the toughest security net in existence and into a photo-op with the President?
How does the Catholic Church send the entire College of Cardinals to help bury Teddy Kennedy then tell Patrick Kennedy to stay away from the altar rail when Communion is distributed?
Am I the only person on God's earth who doesn't care which college football team is declared No. 1 or how that honor is bestowed? Have a playoff or don't have a playoff. Just shut up about it!
How did Alex Rodriguez begin the baseball year as a lying steroid user and finish it under tons of confetti in the Canyon of Heroes?
How are state universities allowed to discriminate against their own in-state students in favor of out-of-staters who pay full tuition?
Even in the Land of Constant Irony, how is it possible that Black Americans, victims of 400 years of slavery and another 100 of Jim Crow, would become the voice of discrimination against the rights of Gay Americans?
If you think Americans are confused about the Country's plan for victory in Iraq and Afghanistan, ask someone why we are spending hundreds of millions supporting the International Space Station.
Why is every male rock singer anyone will pay serious money to see, about 97 years old? Bono is probably the youngest at 49. Also, how is it that considering all the drug use, most of the sixties rockers are still alive?
Has anyone ever actually read anything useful or interesting on Twitter?
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