Tuesday, September 02, 2008

...or is John McCain cagier than we think?

Someone's got a Republican in the oven. If you want to know what people in Alaska do on those long, cold winter nights (if you don't play hockey) just ask Bristol Palin. Of all the lessons learned at the Palin home over the last 17 years, the one that stuck appears to involve: 1) women, 2) procreation. Grandma-to-be Sarah Palin assures us that her daughter and the baby's father intend to get married. Well, I'm relieved.

Seriously, thousands of young girls get pregnant without benefit of husbands every year and things work out just fine. One of my more cynical friends suggested that if McCain could secure the pregnant bride vote, he'd be a lock. The issue here isn't young Bristol and her baby. It's the self righteous, preachy, God is a Republican, Democrats are hedonists attitude of the GOP that causes a slight smirk when one of them trips over their hair shirt. Considering that Governor Palin is a supporter of "abstinence only" education in schools, one is tempted to ask, "How's that working out for you?"

Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian with a child, yet he welcomes support from demigods like James Dobson of Focus on the Family. If Ms. Palin's son Track (who the hell calls a kid "Track") turns up in a gay bar some night, will she be as understanding (read: hypocritical) as Vice President Cheney? Life is messy. The President's brother urninates on an airport wall (Carter). The President's brother has a cocane issue (Clinton). The President had substance abuse issues (Bush 43). The President's wife killed a man in a car accident (Bush 43). When you describe yourself and your political party as morally superior you find yourself spending a lot of time dodging camera crews shouting embarrassing questions at your retreating back. The time to yell "no comment" is before the incident.

Governor Palin actually has bigger problems than a daughter with an anticipated Christmas delivery. According to the Washington Post, Palin employed a lobbying firm to secure almost $27 million in federal money for the booming metropolis of Wasilla, Alaska, pop. 6,700. The fact that she is the former mayor of Wasilla is, no doubt, an unfortunate coincidence. Washington has been wasting money in Alaska for years with the bridge to nowhere just the most celebrated. However, when you are the running-mate of Mr. "no more earmarks, reduce wasteful federal spending", your skirts should be a little cleaner. It won't take a swift boat campaign to make Gov. Palin look a wee bit disingenuous.

All of this nonsense explains why isitjustme supports Democrats. Democrats don't pretend to be perfect. They set the bar pretty low. Judge not, lest ye be judged. Or, don't be so quick to condemn gay men unless you're prepared to explain your toe-tapping in a Minneapolis men's room. Sadly, there are still plenty of rogues who don't make the grade. Those currently taking a time out for their indiscretions include Eliot Spitzer and John Edwards. In fairness, Spitzer never aspired to the role of paragon of moral turpitude (probably just as well). Edwards' fall from grace is considerably steeper, in that he presented himself as a "family values" kind of guy. He probably should have been a little clearer on what values and whose family.

As always, the big winners in this week's information derby will be Jay Leno, David Letterman, Craig Ferguson, et al. Nothing makes better fodder for jokes than politicians stepping in a pile of their own hypocrisy. However all is not lost for the GOP. With any luck, hurricane Hanna will wipe out the back half of their convention. We may then be spared the vision of Mumbles McCain trying to find those pesky teleprompters. Dag nab it!

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