It suddenly hit me! While watching Sarah Palin accept the nod from John McCain to be his vice presidential running mate, I realized who she reminds me of. She's the women in those R- rated movies with her conservative clothes, pinned-up hair and glasses. The very image of wholesome Americana. Halfway through the movie someone gives her a couple of mai tais and it's girls gone wild time. She's hopping up on the coffee table unbuttoning her blouse. The fact that she has five children lends some credence to this analogy. Seriously, let's wish Barbie all the success in the world.
And let's also extend our congratulations to the Bush administration for attempting to do as much additional damage to the environment as possible. The White House has recently proposed allowing individual government agencies to assess how their programs would impact potential endangered species. In other words, the Department of Energy will decide, with no scientific oversight or review, the impact of its decisions on endangered species. Perfect! The very people who have shown themselves as the principal despoilers of the environment will get to decide the impact of their policies.
The Bush administration has cleverly used the clamor of the Democratic National Convention as cover for his final assault on the planet. You would think that this bum would make some attempt to improve his legacy, even if the policies were just window dressing. Guess not.
Is anyone else out there sick of listening to John McCain and the Bush White House hurl empty threats at the Russians over their invasion of Georgia? Vladimir Putin must be laughing in his vodka over the United States' saber rattling and name calling. Just yesterday Putin was quoted as saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but we have more soldiers and tanks than you." Face it. The U.S. is overextended, distracted, under-manned and most of all, unwilling to even contemplate a land conflict in western Asia.
As for the Russians, they are hardly likely to take moral instruction from an American government that invaded, without provocation, another sovereign nation and who, unapologetically, endorses torture. We had better hope that the Russians don't have their eye on Poland. America might muster a barrage of harsh language but that's about it.
Whichever god is receiving the prayers of the RNC , cut me off a slice. Can you imagine the good fortune of the Republicans, who have just learned that the twin plagues of Dick Cheney and George Bush will not be attending the convention in Minneapolis this week? John McCain must be dancing all the way to Minnesota.
The last thing that the new ticket needed was the walking /talking reminder of the catastrophe that was Bush/Cheney 2000 and 2004. That's like bringing Steve Bartman to a rally for the Cubs in '08. Seriously, the GOP organizers would have given GWB the wrong address and the wrong dates if they thought he would actually read them. Laura would have figured it out. Cheney would just follow the smell of burning flesh. Now if they could just figure a way to keep Mitt Romney from attending.
John Edwards' affair with film producer Rielle Hunter absolutely wins the gold medal in the Synchronized Stupidity competition. The gall/moron quotient needed to attempt a run for national office with an elephantine skeleton in your closet is mind numbing. At least when Rudy Giuliani ran, we already knew he was a cross-dresser. He just hoped we wouldn't mind. The National Enquirer had the Edwards' story last year, for God's sake. How did John think he was going to keep the main stream media at bay? Heaven forbid if he had been nominated for President. Even John McCain could have beaten him. Hadn't he ever heard of Gary Hart? or Eliot Spitzer? or Bill "bulge-in-his-pants" Clinton?
Forget about his wife dying of cancer and his speeches about God and family, this is about a politician so full of hubris and self deluded invincibility that he imagined he could finesse anything.
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