Friday, May 29, 2009

...or is the torture debate the new torture?


No more stuff about the former VP... for a while!


Local Bronx beauty, Sonia Sotomayor, is about to be confirmed as the 111th Justice of the Supreme Court. Considering all the Catholics on the Court these days (six with Sonia), "Confirmation" is taking on a whole new meaning. In that Justice Sotomayor replaces Justice David Souter, her addition to the bench will not alter the overall make-up of the Supremes. There will still be Anton Scalia and his Gang of Four holding down the hard right. Anthony Kennedy remains as the swinger.

The Republicans, powerless to stop Judge Sotomayor from ascending to the Brotherhood, are none-the-less at full-throated indignation. No one's dudgeon is higher than Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich. Mr. Gingrich, currently filling the leadership gap in the Republican Party, has called Ms. Sotomayor a racist. If the GOP definition of racist is any person who acknowledges that their racial or ethnic background is likely to shape their view of the world, Judge Sotomayor should plead guilty as charged. Judge Alito made just such an observation at his confirmation hearing and no one batted an eye. Perhaps Mr. Gingrich is concerned that old, white, East Coast-centric Christians are underrepresented on the Court.

Anyway, let's hope that the howlers in the GOP and their radio surrogates continue to rail against a Latina woman with impeccable credentials. I'm sure the Republicans feels they can win the next national election without Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Florida. After all, they're still solid in Nebraska.



As predicted, the horrific scandal involving the Catholic Church in Ireland and the Irish School System has already faded into the distance. Notice, not a single word from Rome. That tells you all you need to know about the Vicar of Christ and his pack of pedophile-enablers. The Catholic church is not interested in truth or in righting a terrible wrong. Their biggest problem this week is to try and minimize ticket sales for Ron Howard's Angels and Demons. Keep filling those collection plates, folks.



Yes, I know we should take North Korea seriously. Nukes and missiles are a scary combination, especially in the hands of a crazy person. However every picture of Kim Jong Il that is published in the world press makes it almost impossible to be frightened. The guy looks like one of those dolls at a carnival you throw baseballs at to win a teddy bear. There should be a rule that you can't be an insane dictator with your finger on the button if you look like something created by Jim Henson from an old sock and the cotton from an aspirin bottle.



And as long as we are solving the world's issues: Good luck trying to get Americans to care about the rebellion in Sri Lanka or the political trial in Burma.

While it's true that the rebels in Sri Lanka had a cool name, Tamil Tigers, you would be hard pressed to find anyone short of the Assistant Undersecretary of State for South Asian Affairs who has any idea what the fighting was about. Apparently, the citizens of the northeast of the country wished to create an independent state. After twenty years of fighting, during which time the Tigers appeared to be winning, they lost a close one. If you need more, start reading the Sunday Times.

In Burma/Myanmar (honestly, how am I supposed to care about a country that can't decide what to call itself?) there is a trial in progress. The defendant Aung San Suu Kyi, is charged with breaking the terms of her house arrest by allowing an unauthorized guest to stay at her home. Ms. Suu Kyi has been confined inside her house by the ruling junta for the crime of having beaten them in an election in 1990. The generals clearly had over-estimated their popularity. Anyway the guest, a whack-job named John Yettaw from Missouri claims to have had a vision (don't they all) that Suu Kyi's life was in danger. He swam across a lake to her house using homemade fins. Thanks to his efforts Suu Kyi faces six years in prison...real prison. Ms. Suu Kyi's defense is that she thought Mr. Yattaw was selling Avon products and didn't want to appear rude.

Now, you're all caught up on world affairs. Don't try to thank me.


Thoughts to ponder:

Why, after a train-load of tax violations, local and federal, is Marion Barry not in jail?

Why, in spite of all the evidence piling up around his little body, is Roland Burris still in the Senate?

How does America, after refusing to allow Guantanamo detainees to be relocated to U.S. prisons, have the nerve to suggest to European countries that they take a few each?

Talk among yourselves!

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