Tell the truth, you are all delighted that Miss California, Carrie Prejean, has been anointed by God to continue the fight for opposite marriage. (Who knew that the Almighty had a terrible blond comb-over and a pink tie?) Yes America, billionaire ass-hat Donald Trump has descended from on high to support Miss Prejean in her hour of need. (Based on some of her photo arrays, some support was clearly in order.)
Ms. Prejean's rise to fame began as a punchline. Interviewed during the "intelligence" portion of the Miss USA pageant (newest definition of oxymoron) about her views on gay marriage, Ms. Prejean stumbled through a defense of America's right to chose, ignoring the fact that she represents a state that prohibits such a choice. Her last comment, before her ability to form complete sentences dissolved into tapioca, was that she thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman. "That's how I was raised". (It was later learned that Ms. Prejean was not, in fact, raised but was assembled from spare parts.)
As we all know, opinions are like nipples, everyone has a few (even if both your opinions and your nipples were acquired at a Nebraska garage sale). Ms. Prejean however, has taken things one step further. She now claims that God was in her head telling her what to say. WOW! At least God picked a place where he had plenty of room to stretch out. Still, you would think God could speak without making a hash of the English language. I know it's not his native tongue but I've heard better syntax from George W. Bush.
Anyway God and Donald Trump have spoken. God may be all powerful but only Donald can allow you to retain your tiara. We can now look forward to endless press conferences and interviews with Ms. Prejean as she attempts to put her bigotry to good use. She has become a spokesperson for the "Heteros Opposed to Marriage for non Opposites" or HOMO. Here's hoping that any public appearances in Silicon Valley won't make her self-conscious.
And on the subject of people we didn't need to hear from, the offspring of politicians are proving that it's better to keep silent and have people think you're stupid than to open your mouth and prove it. Liz Cheney the (straight) daughter of the Snidely Whiplash of American politics and, Meghan McCain, first child (second marriage) of Grandpa John are all over the news. Most of the comments from these C-list celebs are defensive: Liz defending her father, Meg defending her dress size. Sympathy leans toward Lizzie here. After all Meg isn't stuck with her weight.
Either way, these wannabes make us appreciate the days of Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower. Both resisted the temptation to publicly defend Dad or take a position on any topic in the public domain. (Factoid: Julie and her husband were public supporters of Barack Obama.) Even Chelsea Clinton only went public to help her mother. This idea of trotting out the children of elected officials should have died with Ronald Reagan. No one was going to top that schmorgasbord.
The innermost thoughts of famous kids should be of no more interest than the musings of Bill Clinton's tailor or Gerald Ford's high school football coach.The inclination to listen to any theories, observations or pronouncements put forth by the children of public officials can lead to disastrous consequences. After all, the last time we paid any attention to the scion of a politician we ended up electing him President. Remember how that worked out?
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