It suddenly hit me! While watching Sarah Palin accept the nod from John McCain to be his vice presidential running mate, I realized who she reminds me of. She's the women in those R- rated movies with her conservative clothes, pinned-up hair and glasses. The very image of wholesome Americana. Halfway through the movie someone gives her a couple of mai tais and it's girls gone wild time. She's hopping up on the coffee table unbuttoning her blouse. The fact that she has five children lends some credence to this analogy. Seriously, let's wish Barbie all the success in the world.
And let's also extend our congratulations to the Bush administration for attempting to do as much additional damage to the environment as possible. The White House has recently proposed allowing individual government agencies to assess how their programs would impact potential endangered species. In other words, the Department of Energy will decide, with no scientific oversight or review, the impact of its decisions on endangered species. Perfect! The very people who have shown themselves as the principal despoilers of the environment will get to decide the impact of their policies.
The Bush administration has cleverly used the clamor of the Democratic National Convention as cover for his final assault on the planet. You would think that this bum would make some attempt to improve his legacy, even if the policies were just window dressing. Guess not.
Is anyone else out there sick of listening to John McCain and the Bush White House hurl empty threats at the Russians over their invasion of Georgia? Vladimir Putin must be laughing in his vodka over the United States' saber rattling and name calling. Just yesterday Putin was quoted as saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but we have more soldiers and tanks than you." Face it. The U.S. is overextended, distracted, under-manned and most of all, unwilling to even contemplate a land conflict in western Asia.
As for the Russians, they are hardly likely to take moral instruction from an American government that invaded, without provocation, another sovereign nation and who, unapologetically, endorses torture. We had better hope that the Russians don't have their eye on Poland. America might muster a barrage of harsh language but that's about it.
Whichever god is receiving the prayers of the RNC , cut me off a slice. Can you imagine the good fortune of the Republicans, who have just learned that the twin plagues of Dick Cheney and George Bush will not be attending the convention in Minneapolis this week? John McCain must be dancing all the way to Minnesota.
The last thing that the new ticket needed was the walking /talking reminder of the catastrophe that was Bush/Cheney 2000 and 2004. That's like bringing Steve Bartman to a rally for the Cubs in '08. Seriously, the GOP organizers would have given GWB the wrong address and the wrong dates if they thought he would actually read them. Laura would have figured it out. Cheney would just follow the smell of burning flesh. Now if they could just figure a way to keep Mitt Romney from attending.
John Edwards' affair with film producer Rielle Hunter absolutely wins the gold medal in the Synchronized Stupidity competition. The gall/moron quotient needed to attempt a run for national office with an elephantine skeleton in your closet is mind numbing. At least when Rudy Giuliani ran, we already knew he was a cross-dresser. He just hoped we wouldn't mind. The National Enquirer had the Edwards' story last year, for God's sake. How did John think he was going to keep the main stream media at bay? Heaven forbid if he had been nominated for President. Even John McCain could have beaten him. Hadn't he ever heard of Gary Hart? or Eliot Spitzer? or Bill "bulge-in-his-pants" Clinton?
Forget about his wife dying of cancer and his speeches about God and family, this is about a politician so full of hubris and self deluded invincibility that he imagined he could finesse anything.
Musings from the underutilized mind of Bill Fulham; A man who never let knowledge or information stand in the way of a firm opinion. "It's impossible to to make judgements about newsworthiness without recourse to an understanding of what's important".
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
...or is Barak Obama the political answer to Frank Sinatra?
Yeah, he's that good.
I admit it. I'd rather be dazzled than informed. I can get information from the NY Times or The Wall Street Journal. I want my President to excite the country; to get people on their feet and cheering their heads off. I want the crowd to act like they do at their college football homecoming game (minus the exposed beer bellies). The President of the United States should make the populace feel good about themselves. Barak Obama can do it all. (OK, so could Adolph Hitler but you get my point.)
I have an abiding faith that politicians, even corrupt ones, have the country's best interest at heart. Even George W. Bush, misguided mope that he is, doesn't wish the country harm. We all know that, regardless of who wins, America will survive. What's missing in the Republicans is a spark. Will you vote for John McCain because you want to or because you feel you have to? Watergate aside, Nixon might have been a better President than Kennedy but which one would you rather follow?
It doesn't take a genius to be President; Ronald Reagan proved that. What it does take is the ability to inspire. Reagan proved that also. In an age when media personae is so vital, a President has to look like he knows where he's going. After 9/11 Bush's ratings soared. Why? Because he gave a speech that made him look Presidential (Who knew?). It was only after stumbling through the last seven years, when his public appearances were more reminiscent of Alfred E. Newman than FDR, that his numbers tumbled. Talking tough is not leadership. Trying to frighten America into voting for you isn't inspiring. By the way, how terrified must we have been to give GWB a second term?
So how about it America? Let's vote for someone we can be proud of. Let's prove to the world that we are more than belligerent, gay-hating, gun-slingers. In Beijing, we showed that we don't have to be ugly Americans. How about we make that a trend?
In what can only be interpreted as a sign from God, the Republicans are considering delaying the start of their convention in Minneapolis due to the impending arrival of Hurricane Gustav on the Gulf Coast. It seems that the GOP would rather not kick off their big party when the top story on the web might very well be "New Orleans braces for Katrina Deux". Imagine that!
The Republicans are already stuck with Bush and Cheney as speakers. (Sort of like inviting your unpleasant ex-wife to your daughter's wedding. You may have to do it but you'd rather not.) They are concerned that a new hurricane in the Gulf will serve to remind voters about the Bush administration's nonexistent response to the last storm. Replayed film of the Superdome circa Aug, 2005 would do little to enhance the GOP's reputation as champions of the common man.
How come no one asked Harry Wittington to speak at the GOP convention? You remember Harry? He's the lawyer that Cheney shot in the face in Feb, 2006.
John McCain has just named Sarah Palin, current governor of Alaska, to be his running mate. Brilliant! In an inspired stroke of genius, McCain has managed to find a ticket mate who is: a) younger than Obama, b) even less experienced than Obama, c) less educated than Obama and d) is from a state with fewer citizens than attended Obama's acceptance speech on Thursday. To be fair, Obama never finished second in the Miss Illinois Beauty Pageant.
note: Laura Bush was elected to inform her husband of McCain's choice. She was also required to inform him that Alaska is, in fact, a state.
Yeah, he's that good.
I admit it. I'd rather be dazzled than informed. I can get information from the NY Times or The Wall Street Journal. I want my President to excite the country; to get people on their feet and cheering their heads off. I want the crowd to act like they do at their college football homecoming game (minus the exposed beer bellies). The President of the United States should make the populace feel good about themselves. Barak Obama can do it all. (OK, so could Adolph Hitler but you get my point.)
I have an abiding faith that politicians, even corrupt ones, have the country's best interest at heart. Even George W. Bush, misguided mope that he is, doesn't wish the country harm. We all know that, regardless of who wins, America will survive. What's missing in the Republicans is a spark. Will you vote for John McCain because you want to or because you feel you have to? Watergate aside, Nixon might have been a better President than Kennedy but which one would you rather follow?
It doesn't take a genius to be President; Ronald Reagan proved that. What it does take is the ability to inspire. Reagan proved that also. In an age when media personae is so vital, a President has to look like he knows where he's going. After 9/11 Bush's ratings soared. Why? Because he gave a speech that made him look Presidential (Who knew?). It was only after stumbling through the last seven years, when his public appearances were more reminiscent of Alfred E. Newman than FDR, that his numbers tumbled. Talking tough is not leadership. Trying to frighten America into voting for you isn't inspiring. By the way, how terrified must we have been to give GWB a second term?
So how about it America? Let's vote for someone we can be proud of. Let's prove to the world that we are more than belligerent, gay-hating, gun-slingers. In Beijing, we showed that we don't have to be ugly Americans. How about we make that a trend?
In what can only be interpreted as a sign from God, the Republicans are considering delaying the start of their convention in Minneapolis due to the impending arrival of Hurricane Gustav on the Gulf Coast. It seems that the GOP would rather not kick off their big party when the top story on the web might very well be "New Orleans braces for Katrina Deux". Imagine that!
The Republicans are already stuck with Bush and Cheney as speakers. (Sort of like inviting your unpleasant ex-wife to your daughter's wedding. You may have to do it but you'd rather not.) They are concerned that a new hurricane in the Gulf will serve to remind voters about the Bush administration's nonexistent response to the last storm. Replayed film of the Superdome circa Aug, 2005 would do little to enhance the GOP's reputation as champions of the common man.
How come no one asked Harry Wittington to speak at the GOP convention? You remember Harry? He's the lawyer that Cheney shot in the face in Feb, 2006.
John McCain has just named Sarah Palin, current governor of Alaska, to be his running mate. Brilliant! In an inspired stroke of genius, McCain has managed to find a ticket mate who is: a) younger than Obama, b) even less experienced than Obama, c) less educated than Obama and d) is from a state with fewer citizens than attended Obama's acceptance speech on Thursday. To be fair, Obama never finished second in the Miss Illinois Beauty Pageant.
note: Laura Bush was elected to inform her husband of McCain's choice. She was also required to inform him that Alaska is, in fact, a state.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
...or are the Democrats still born to be mild?
Where's the rage, people? I have spent the last three nights listening to the best and the brightest Democrats in the land making speech after speech about how they support Barak Obama. This being the Democratic National Convention, one would expect that the speakers would support the candidate. After all, these conventions are scripted right down to the time allotted for applause. However, none of the featured presenters have ripped into George W. Bush and his heir apparent, John McCain. I haven't heard Abu Graib discussed once. Katrina, celebrating it's third anniversary this week, got a single mention. Karl Rove, once. Guantanamo, nada. The disgrace that is the Justice Dept., forget it!
What are the Democrats waiting for? They have been handed the greatest gift any political party has ever received. Eight years of the worst leadership since Caligula (and without the nifty sex). The Bush administration has provided Obama with villains who are not only purely evil; they even look purely evil. Why is no one roasting this administration from the dais? Why is no one setting Katie Curic's microphone on fire with condemnations of Donald Rumsfeld and David Addington? Even if it didn't help Barak Obama get elected (and it couldn't hurt) this is the Democrat's big opportunity to remind America what an abject failure George and the Republicans have been. The catharsis alone would be worth it.
Nobody is talking about anything. Has anyone heard the word immigration? I think not. The 12 million people in America illegally were the hottest topic in America just one year ago. Now it's on the third rail of the Democratic agenda along with Social Security.
How about global warming and the environment? Hands? Anyone? These topics are getting no traction because the Democratic poll takers have determined that either the solutions are too painful or the topic will put the public to sleep. The result is speech after speech about better education for American youth, tax aid for the middle class (whoever they are), reducing our dependence on foreign oil (no one says how), a stronger military (which no one wants to pay for) and a laundry list of high-minded emptiness that will be forgotten before the cheering subsides.
The Democrats have been told that, after the rack and ruin of the last eight years, this is their election to lose. The result is a "let's be careful not to offend anyone" rhetoric that basically says, vote for us because we're not George W. Bush. Democrats need to start offending some people. Everyone dances around John McCain's captivity as though he took on the entire North Vietnamese army by himself. Wouldn't want to offend those Vietnam Vets (like they're on the fence about Obama anyway). No one talks about race because we are all hoping that, enchanted by his speechifying, America may not notice that our candidate is a gentleman of color.
Sports analogies are trait but, in football, the fastest way to lose a game is to stop trying to win it and sit on a lead. If the Democrats and Barak Obama don't start talking about real issues, messy and complicated though they are, the people of Kansas and Colorado and Florida will go to the polls on Nov 4th with only one clear image in their heads...old, familiar white guy...young, untested black guy. If that happens, get use to hearing "Hillary in 2012".
What are the Democrats waiting for? They have been handed the greatest gift any political party has ever received. Eight years of the worst leadership since Caligula (and without the nifty sex). The Bush administration has provided Obama with villains who are not only purely evil; they even look purely evil. Why is no one roasting this administration from the dais? Why is no one setting Katie Curic's microphone on fire with condemnations of Donald Rumsfeld and David Addington? Even if it didn't help Barak Obama get elected (and it couldn't hurt) this is the Democrat's big opportunity to remind America what an abject failure George and the Republicans have been. The catharsis alone would be worth it.
Nobody is talking about anything. Has anyone heard the word immigration? I think not. The 12 million people in America illegally were the hottest topic in America just one year ago. Now it's on the third rail of the Democratic agenda along with Social Security.
How about global warming and the environment? Hands? Anyone? These topics are getting no traction because the Democratic poll takers have determined that either the solutions are too painful or the topic will put the public to sleep. The result is speech after speech about better education for American youth, tax aid for the middle class (whoever they are), reducing our dependence on foreign oil (no one says how), a stronger military (which no one wants to pay for) and a laundry list of high-minded emptiness that will be forgotten before the cheering subsides.
The Democrats have been told that, after the rack and ruin of the last eight years, this is their election to lose. The result is a "let's be careful not to offend anyone" rhetoric that basically says, vote for us because we're not George W. Bush. Democrats need to start offending some people. Everyone dances around John McCain's captivity as though he took on the entire North Vietnamese army by himself. Wouldn't want to offend those Vietnam Vets (like they're on the fence about Obama anyway). No one talks about race because we are all hoping that, enchanted by his speechifying, America may not notice that our candidate is a gentleman of color.
Sports analogies are trait but, in football, the fastest way to lose a game is to stop trying to win it and sit on a lead. If the Democrats and Barak Obama don't start talking about real issues, messy and complicated though they are, the people of Kansas and Colorado and Florida will go to the polls on Nov 4th with only one clear image in their heads...old, familiar white guy...young, untested black guy. If that happens, get use to hearing "Hillary in 2012".
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
...or is the RNC a little short on Republicans?
As the drama of the Democratic National Convention abates (hey, after the Clintons speak it's just one big balloon drop) all eyes will turn to Minneapolis. Senator McCain will presumably have chosen a running mate (think Dan Quayle without the warm smile). Republicans from all over America will gather around their Philco radios to hear the speeches that will reaffirm their core, Christian, neocon narrow-minded beliefs. From Monday to Thursday next week they will learn about the evil, liberal, junior Senator from godless Chicago. The word will go forth from the party leadership about how the country is on the verge of destruction at the hands of gays, abortionists and cut-and-run pacifists. The GOP has hand-picked a string of stalwart sons of conservatism to carry the torch of orthodoxy across the airwaves to the faithful.
Because the lead-off hitter sets the tone for the entire convention, the Republicans have selected, wait for it, an East-coast Jew...Joe Lieberman. That's right! The man that America would most likely want to have a glass of Mogan David with, will forgo his lifelong liberal stands on abortion and gay unions (he's in favor of both) for the shock value of standing with the Republican faithful. The single issue which binds Lieberman to McCain and possibly the rest of GOPdom is his support for the Iraq war. Apparently the RNC was able to overlook Joe's support for affirmative action, women's rights, the Clean Air Act of 1990 (he co-sponsored), no drilling in the ANWR and gun control. This is my kind of conservative.
Following Lieberman is everybody's favorite terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger. As the current Governor of California, Ahhnol brings his impressive neocon record to the podium. Details include an initiative to curb greenhouse gas emissions that was so extensive the White House got it squashed, a defense of marijuana use, and a stated admiration for Adolf Hitler. (Granted, that was a long time ago but so was McCain's incarceration.) Gov. Schwarzenegger will apparently lecture on the minimal dangers of sleeping with Democrats, should McCain choose Lieberman as his running mate.
Having absorbed about as much of this conservative orthodoxy as they can stand, listeners get a break as the comic relief takes center stage...Dick Cheney. As the man whose smile once made Hannibal Lecter give up liver, Cheney will be a welcome relief from the political ramblings of his predecessors. Cheney has no political position on anything. He only ran for vice president because he was taller than Karl Rove. He will speak about how, if you have no actual soul, anything is possible. The actual title of the speech is "How to be Number One While Disguised as a Giant Steaming Pile of Number Two".
The convention gets better after Monday night. Rudy Giuliani will lead off on Tuesday and he will be joined by Fred Thompson. The two non-nominated politicians will discourse on the fact that 90% of life may be just showing up, but it's no way to be nominated for President. Tom Ridge will follow with an explaination of how his department of Homeland Security came up with all those alert colors.
Cindy McCain will speak on Wednesday. Her remarks will include a clarification of that "how many houses do you own" thing. Most of them are hers, so she should know. This was an unfair criticism from the start. It's like asking Ferdinand Marcos how many pair of shoes his wife owned. (Had he been asked, his response would no- doubt include his incarceration at the hands of the Vietnamese).
It only gets better from there folks so, if you don't have TIVO, get ready to pop a blank tape in the old VCR. This promises to be better than your wedding video.
Because the lead-off hitter sets the tone for the entire convention, the Republicans have selected, wait for it, an East-coast Jew...Joe Lieberman. That's right! The man that America would most likely want to have a glass of Mogan David with, will forgo his lifelong liberal stands on abortion and gay unions (he's in favor of both) for the shock value of standing with the Republican faithful. The single issue which binds Lieberman to McCain and possibly the rest of GOPdom is his support for the Iraq war. Apparently the RNC was able to overlook Joe's support for affirmative action, women's rights, the Clean Air Act of 1990 (he co-sponsored), no drilling in the ANWR and gun control. This is my kind of conservative.
Following Lieberman is everybody's favorite terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger. As the current Governor of California, Ahhnol brings his impressive neocon record to the podium. Details include an initiative to curb greenhouse gas emissions that was so extensive the White House got it squashed, a defense of marijuana use, and a stated admiration for Adolf Hitler. (Granted, that was a long time ago but so was McCain's incarceration.) Gov. Schwarzenegger will apparently lecture on the minimal dangers of sleeping with Democrats, should McCain choose Lieberman as his running mate.
Having absorbed about as much of this conservative orthodoxy as they can stand, listeners get a break as the comic relief takes center stage...Dick Cheney. As the man whose smile once made Hannibal Lecter give up liver, Cheney will be a welcome relief from the political ramblings of his predecessors. Cheney has no political position on anything. He only ran for vice president because he was taller than Karl Rove. He will speak about how, if you have no actual soul, anything is possible. The actual title of the speech is "How to be Number One While Disguised as a Giant Steaming Pile of Number Two".
The convention gets better after Monday night. Rudy Giuliani will lead off on Tuesday and he will be joined by Fred Thompson. The two non-nominated politicians will discourse on the fact that 90% of life may be just showing up, but it's no way to be nominated for President. Tom Ridge will follow with an explaination of how his department of Homeland Security came up with all those alert colors.
Cindy McCain will speak on Wednesday. Her remarks will include a clarification of that "how many houses do you own" thing. Most of them are hers, so she should know. This was an unfair criticism from the start. It's like asking Ferdinand Marcos how many pair of shoes his wife owned. (Had he been asked, his response would no- doubt include his incarceration at the hands of the Vietnamese).
It only gets better from there folks so, if you don't have TIVO, get ready to pop a blank tape in the old VCR. This promises to be better than your wedding video.
...or is a prison camp not the best training ground for a President?
Somebody has to say it so it might as well be me: getting shot down by the North Vietnamese and tossed into a prison camp for 5+ years may be an excellent qualification for a technical advisor on a Chuck Norris film but not to be President of the United States. Now, I feel much better.
There is a difference between admiration and credentials. It took balls for John McCain to refuse a pardon from the Vietnamese when they offered to let him out because he was the son of an Admiral. Unfortunately, if balls were (or was) the only criterion to be president, we would have elected Evel Knievel. The people at General Motors or IBM might admire Senator McCain but they aren't likely to ask him to take command of their companies. A man who has only recently made the acquaintance of the Internet is barely qualified to replace Michael Scott at Dunder Mifflin let alone take command of America. (Although we could replace the caliber of the current Chief Executive from any bowling alley in Mississippi).
This whole "Hogan's Heroes for President" issue wouldn't be as big a factor except that McCain and his posse drag his POW clothes out of the closet at every possible opportunity. They wave it like a flag in front of every gaffe that their candidate makes. McCain actually told Jay Leno on Monday that the reason he couldn't remember how many houses he owns is because, as a prisoner of war, he didn't own a house, or a table or a chair. How is that a response to the contention that, as the husband of a rich wife, he is out of touch with the people whose vote he's seeking? McCain is the August reincarnation of Rudy Giuliani's "a noun, a verb and 9/11".
McCain's time as a guest in the Hanoi Hilton can be effectively trotted out by the campaign to indignantly parry any attack on the candidate's character or courage. Unfortunately for them, the Democrats under Barak Obama aren't craven enough or dumb enough to denigrate McCain's service. They leave that bit of mud-slinging to the Republicans.
America has been nominating and electing military heroes since G. Washington. We have not, however, turned over the reins of government to a man whose primary contribution to the war effort was to be held captive. By continuing to trumpet his POW credentials as proof positive of his ability to lead, he invites his critics to ask, exactly what aspect of captivity provided the slightest training for a President in 2008? Have your staff get back to us.
There is a difference between admiration and credentials. It took balls for John McCain to refuse a pardon from the Vietnamese when they offered to let him out because he was the son of an Admiral. Unfortunately, if balls were (or was) the only criterion to be president, we would have elected Evel Knievel. The people at General Motors or IBM might admire Senator McCain but they aren't likely to ask him to take command of their companies. A man who has only recently made the acquaintance of the Internet is barely qualified to replace Michael Scott at Dunder Mifflin let alone take command of America. (Although we could replace the caliber of the current Chief Executive from any bowling alley in Mississippi).
This whole "Hogan's Heroes for President" issue wouldn't be as big a factor except that McCain and his posse drag his POW clothes out of the closet at every possible opportunity. They wave it like a flag in front of every gaffe that their candidate makes. McCain actually told Jay Leno on Monday that the reason he couldn't remember how many houses he owns is because, as a prisoner of war, he didn't own a house, or a table or a chair. How is that a response to the contention that, as the husband of a rich wife, he is out of touch with the people whose vote he's seeking? McCain is the August reincarnation of Rudy Giuliani's "a noun, a verb and 9/11".
McCain's time as a guest in the Hanoi Hilton can be effectively trotted out by the campaign to indignantly parry any attack on the candidate's character or courage. Unfortunately for them, the Democrats under Barak Obama aren't craven enough or dumb enough to denigrate McCain's service. They leave that bit of mud-slinging to the Republicans.
America has been nominating and electing military heroes since G. Washington. We have not, however, turned over the reins of government to a man whose primary contribution to the war effort was to be held captive. By continuing to trumpet his POW credentials as proof positive of his ability to lead, he invites his critics to ask, exactly what aspect of captivity provided the slightest training for a President in 2008? Have your staff get back to us.
Monday, August 25, 2008
...or is Joe Biden the last piece of the puzzle?
Unless you have been living under water with Michael Phelps for the last three days, you know that Barak Obama has chosen Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his Vice Presidential running mate. By all accounts, Biden represents an intelligent, thoughtful choice. Although Senator Biden will not bring a vital swing state into the blue column (think Kaine of Virginia or Sebelius in Kansas), the fact is, not since Lyndon Johnson has a VP delivered a state that the ticket could not otherwise expect to carry. However, to suggest that Senator Obama is merely following in the footsteps of the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is a comparison without foundation.
Dick Cheney was a cantankerous, mean-spirited, agenda-driven, single-minded political hatchetman...and those are a few of his more endearing qualities. He was installed on GWB's ticket to add gravitas to a candidate who couldn't identify the location of most of the states that voted for him. The country was being assured that it was OK to vote for someone you wanted to have a beer with because Old Dick Cheney would be available to take the conn if anything terrible happened. Well it did and he wasn't.
It's true that, like Biden, Cheney wanted to run for the top job. It is also true that Cheney has such a poisonous public personae he wouldn't even vote for himself. Cheney brought more baggage to the White House than Paris Hilton brings to Vegas. As Secretary of Defense for Bush 41, he gutted the Defense budget and cultivated a reputation as an unpleasant autocrat. As VP he was determined to wage war with all of the countries he saw as a threat. He was not about to let the fact that he wasn't Commander-in-Chief stand in his way.
Biden, on the other hand, is considered the nicest guy in the Senate. Even the gang across the aisle likes him. As a long-serving member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden brings knowledge and experience to the ticket without all of the bile of the present VP. Think of him as the anti-Cheney. He has a style that encourages compromise. People want to work with him. This will be a welcome change from the "do it my way or I'll kill you...really, I'll kill you" method currently employed by the man who's only a heartbeat away from being President.
When all the foreign policy bluster is cleared away, the real problems in America are domestic. The Bush polarization policy virtually ensured that legislative gridlock would prevail, even when the Republicans controlled both houses. Joe Biden will be the perfect person to forge consensus and foster a sense of shared responsibility. He could hardly do any worse than his predecessor.
Obama needed a running mate with a little more ink on his resume and Joe Biden is the best man for the job. Who knows? He may even be able to keep the Clintons in line; and without a whip and a chair. That feat alone should win him a place in the hearts of Democrats.
Dick Cheney was a cantankerous, mean-spirited, agenda-driven, single-minded political hatchetman...and those are a few of his more endearing qualities. He was installed on GWB's ticket to add gravitas to a candidate who couldn't identify the location of most of the states that voted for him. The country was being assured that it was OK to vote for someone you wanted to have a beer with because Old Dick Cheney would be available to take the conn if anything terrible happened. Well it did and he wasn't.
It's true that, like Biden, Cheney wanted to run for the top job. It is also true that Cheney has such a poisonous public personae he wouldn't even vote for himself. Cheney brought more baggage to the White House than Paris Hilton brings to Vegas. As Secretary of Defense for Bush 41, he gutted the Defense budget and cultivated a reputation as an unpleasant autocrat. As VP he was determined to wage war with all of the countries he saw as a threat. He was not about to let the fact that he wasn't Commander-in-Chief stand in his way.
Biden, on the other hand, is considered the nicest guy in the Senate. Even the gang across the aisle likes him. As a long-serving member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden brings knowledge and experience to the ticket without all of the bile of the present VP. Think of him as the anti-Cheney. He has a style that encourages compromise. People want to work with him. This will be a welcome change from the "do it my way or I'll kill you...really, I'll kill you" method currently employed by the man who's only a heartbeat away from being President.
When all the foreign policy bluster is cleared away, the real problems in America are domestic. The Bush polarization policy virtually ensured that legislative gridlock would prevail, even when the Republicans controlled both houses. Joe Biden will be the perfect person to forge consensus and foster a sense of shared responsibility. He could hardly do any worse than his predecessor.
Obama needed a running mate with a little more ink on his resume and Joe Biden is the best man for the job. Who knows? He may even be able to keep the Clintons in line; and without a whip and a chair. That feat alone should win him a place in the hearts of Democrats.
Barak Obama,
Dick Cheney,
Joe Biden,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
...or are we all hoping that the Chinese confiscate Bela Karolyi's passport?
Honestly! Forget the 12 million illegal Latinos in America. If there's anything that will make you rethink America's immigration policy it's the Karolyis. Bela and Marta have expended more gas in Beijing this week than any of China's factories. We were sick of this pair, nine Olympics ago. Yes folks, they've been around since Montreal in 1976. At least then they were the enemy. As coach of the Romanian team (Remember Nadia Comaneci?) Bela was the classic villain; the evil communist with the gymnastics factory.
Now, he and Marta work for the good guys. Since 1980 they have lived and worked in Houston...thankfully in relative obscurity. Still, every four years they emerge like cicadas to rail against anyone or anything that prevents their moppets from capturing the gold.
This time the complaint is that the Chinese gymnasts are too young. IOC regulations dictate that the girls must be at least 16 years old to compete. Most of the Chinese girls look about seven but westerners are poor judges of Asian ages. Anyway, passports and birth certificates are issued by the Chinese government so any chance of independent proof of age is difficult. Like racehorses, all the contestants appear to be the same age, 16. (At least the Chinese had the good grace to vary the dates of birth.) Anyway, both Bela and Marta are screaming that, absent a verification process, their should be no age limit. Good luck with that.
Sadly, it was not the age of the Chinese gymnasts that caused Alicia Sacramone to fall off the balance beam or miss the landing during the floor exercise. Stuff happens! After the competition, Ms. Sacramone took full responsibility for her mistakes. The Karolyis blamed everyone else. Perhaps next time, in London NBC should hire Ms. Sacramone as color commentator and send Bela back to Romania for a class class.
Honestly! Forget the 12 million illegal Latinos in America. If there's anything that will make you rethink America's immigration policy it's the Karolyis. Bela and Marta have expended more gas in Beijing this week than any of China's factories. We were sick of this pair, nine Olympics ago. Yes folks, they've been around since Montreal in 1976. At least then they were the enemy. As coach of the Romanian team (Remember Nadia Comaneci?) Bela was the classic villain; the evil communist with the gymnastics factory.
Now, he and Marta work for the good guys. Since 1980 they have lived and worked in Houston...thankfully in relative obscurity. Still, every four years they emerge like cicadas to rail against anyone or anything that prevents their moppets from capturing the gold.
This time the complaint is that the Chinese gymnasts are too young. IOC regulations dictate that the girls must be at least 16 years old to compete. Most of the Chinese girls look about seven but westerners are poor judges of Asian ages. Anyway, passports and birth certificates are issued by the Chinese government so any chance of independent proof of age is difficult. Like racehorses, all the contestants appear to be the same age, 16. (At least the Chinese had the good grace to vary the dates of birth.) Anyway, both Bela and Marta are screaming that, absent a verification process, their should be no age limit. Good luck with that.
Sadly, it was not the age of the Chinese gymnasts that caused Alicia Sacramone to fall off the balance beam or miss the landing during the floor exercise. Stuff happens! After the competition, Ms. Sacramone took full responsibility for her mistakes. The Karolyis blamed everyone else. Perhaps next time, in London NBC should hire Ms. Sacramone as color commentator and send Bela back to Romania for a class class.
Friday, August 08, 2008
...or are the Olympics getting in the way of the Brett Farve story?
All those who would like Brett Farve to play his next football season on the moon, signify by raising your middle finger in the general direction of Kiln, Miss. Having been traded to the Jets from the Packers,at least he's still wearing a green four on his jersey. Whoopee!
This story has gotten more ink than Anna Nichole's baby. (Come to think of it, both issues involve big boobs.) Farve has been in and out of retirement more times than Henry Kissinger. Enough already! Go to New York and find out what it's like to cheered and booed in the same quarter. Jet fans haven't seen a decent team since Lyndon Johnson was in office. If Farve stumbles in New York he'll wish he'd taken up professional golf.
It's nice to see that being a field-grade officer in the U.S. Armed Forces doesn't mean that you lose your gag reflex. The senior military men on the Tribunal in Guantanamo were sufficiently appalled by the evidence in the Salim Hamdan "trial" that, rather than sentence Mr. Hamdan to the thirty years demanded by the prosecution, they opted for 5 1/2 years. Considering that Mr. Hamdan has already served five years at Gitmo, he should be out by Ramadan. That is, of course, if the Bush Government doesn't make good on a threat to hold the prisoner anyway... just because.
Apparently the star chamber plan that George the Lessor concocted (with help from Senator John McCain) isn't working out the way he'd hoped. The case for extended incarceration of the Gitmo guests is so full of holes that even our career soldiers and sailors are laughing. One would presume that the case against Mr. Hamdan was the strongest and the one most likely to produce both a quick conviction and a severe sentence. Wrong again, Mr. President! In the future, should you see a group of Army Colonels and Navy Captains walking around holding their noses, you'll know what their current duty assignment is. They're on the Tribunal.
Anyone who is still wringing their hands over Barak Obama's lack of experience in world affairs need only look at the current holder of the office for comfort. After eight years as Leader of the Free World, the tactics of GWB are as ham-handed, dull-witted and ill-conceived as the day he stumbled into the White House some 2765 days ago.
Having decided to attend the opening ceremonies of the twenty-ninth Olympiad in Beijing, Curious George is determined to insult the Chinese at every turn. George, if you're so disappointed with the way the Chinese deal with their own people and their suborning of genocide in Darfur, just stay the hell home. Nobody wants a scold at the Olympic party.
By the way, did you see George with the Olympic basketball team? He looked like Vern Troyer with bigger ears.
All those who would like Brett Farve to play his next football season on the moon, signify by raising your middle finger in the general direction of Kiln, Miss. Having been traded to the Jets from the Packers,at least he's still wearing a green four on his jersey. Whoopee!
This story has gotten more ink than Anna Nichole's baby. (Come to think of it, both issues involve big boobs.) Farve has been in and out of retirement more times than Henry Kissinger. Enough already! Go to New York and find out what it's like to cheered and booed in the same quarter. Jet fans haven't seen a decent team since Lyndon Johnson was in office. If Farve stumbles in New York he'll wish he'd taken up professional golf.
It's nice to see that being a field-grade officer in the U.S. Armed Forces doesn't mean that you lose your gag reflex. The senior military men on the Tribunal in Guantanamo were sufficiently appalled by the evidence in the Salim Hamdan "trial" that, rather than sentence Mr. Hamdan to the thirty years demanded by the prosecution, they opted for 5 1/2 years. Considering that Mr. Hamdan has already served five years at Gitmo, he should be out by Ramadan. That is, of course, if the Bush Government doesn't make good on a threat to hold the prisoner anyway... just because.
Apparently the star chamber plan that George the Lessor concocted (with help from Senator John McCain) isn't working out the way he'd hoped. The case for extended incarceration of the Gitmo guests is so full of holes that even our career soldiers and sailors are laughing. One would presume that the case against Mr. Hamdan was the strongest and the one most likely to produce both a quick conviction and a severe sentence. Wrong again, Mr. President! In the future, should you see a group of Army Colonels and Navy Captains walking around holding their noses, you'll know what their current duty assignment is. They're on the Tribunal.
Anyone who is still wringing their hands over Barak Obama's lack of experience in world affairs need only look at the current holder of the office for comfort. After eight years as Leader of the Free World, the tactics of GWB are as ham-handed, dull-witted and ill-conceived as the day he stumbled into the White House some 2765 days ago.
Having decided to attend the opening ceremonies of the twenty-ninth Olympiad in Beijing, Curious George is determined to insult the Chinese at every turn. George, if you're so disappointed with the way the Chinese deal with their own people and their suborning of genocide in Darfur, just stay the hell home. Nobody wants a scold at the Olympic party.
By the way, did you see George with the Olympic basketball team? He looked like Vern Troyer with bigger ears.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
...or is George W. Bush actively pursuing a single-digit approval rating?
The Bush administration is happily strutting around the White House today, congratulating themselves on the successful prosecution of Salim Ahmed Hamdan. After six-plus years of illegally grabbing up foreign nationals (Mr. Hamdan is Yemeni) and locking them away in Guantamano Bay without formal charges, right of counsel, trial or even a phone call; there has finally been a conviction.
And who did we prosecute? Was is Mulah Omar, the head of the Taliban? How about Ayman al-Zawahiri, the number two man in al qaeda? Nope! The entire weight of the United States Armed Forces and the Federal Government was brought to bear on....Osama bin Laden's chauffeur. Kind of makes you proud, doesn't it?
But wait! As car hop to the head evil-doer, Mr. Hamdan must have been guilty of something else. After all, he was right there. Did bin Laden send him for coffee when he was planning all those terrorist plots? The U.S. government thought so. They charged Hamdan with conspiracy to commit al qaeda terrorist acts as well as the lesser charge of playing Cato to bin Laden's Green Hornet.
Alas, even when tried by a jury of hand-picked officers from the Pentagon, the court could only convict Hamdan on the chauffeuring charge. (Just for the record; Hamdan admitted to being bin Laden's driver all along.) One can only assume (assumption being necessary because the trials are held in secret) that the case against Mr. Hamdan was so weak that even the military would have gagged on a conviction. I guess even Army Colonels have to sleep nights.
Nonetheless, George & Co. consider this a complete vindication of the military commission structure. Their spin is that Mr. Hamdan's acquittal on the conspiracy charge is proof that justice is possible, even behind closed doors...with no jury... and secret testimony...and ...and no cross examinations and absent witnesses...and with virtually every participant wearing a military uniform. It remains unclear whether Mr. Hamdan was charged with any traffic-related offenses (failure to signal, parking too close to a hydrant,etc.).
The conviction of bin Laden's chauffeur has drawn interesting reactions from around the world. Former participants in the Nuremberg trials expressed dismay that they failed to prosecute Hitler's green grocer and seamstress. n.b. The Nurmemberg commission actually considered prosecuting Hitler's driver but decided that he was too small a fish. The world court at the Hague was concerned at having allowed Slobodan Milosevic's food taster to escape punishment. And, the Russian government is standing by their decision not to prosecute Stalin's butler and his daughter's tennis coach.
America can rest easier tonight. A dangerous driver is behind bars (where he's been anyway for at least four years). The man responsible for insuring that Osama bin Laden was transported from point A to point B is locked away. Sadly, we were not able to apprehend Mr. Hamdan while he was squiring his famous passenger around the hills of Tora Bora. Alas, we don't even have the car. At least that might have provided a clue as to where bin Laden is spending his nights. We might have snagged an old motel receipt or a discarded book of matches.
Former chief prosecutor-turned- critic Col. Morris Davis spoke volumes when he was quoted as saying if Mr. Hamdan "gets a hefty sentence, it's got to send cold chills down the spine of bin Laden's barber and dry cleaner." What can I say except God is Great!
And who did we prosecute? Was is Mulah Omar, the head of the Taliban? How about Ayman al-Zawahiri, the number two man in al qaeda? Nope! The entire weight of the United States Armed Forces and the Federal Government was brought to bear on....Osama bin Laden's chauffeur. Kind of makes you proud, doesn't it?
But wait! As car hop to the head evil-doer, Mr. Hamdan must have been guilty of something else. After all, he was right there. Did bin Laden send him for coffee when he was planning all those terrorist plots? The U.S. government thought so. They charged Hamdan with conspiracy to commit al qaeda terrorist acts as well as the lesser charge of playing Cato to bin Laden's Green Hornet.
Alas, even when tried by a jury of hand-picked officers from the Pentagon, the court could only convict Hamdan on the chauffeuring charge. (Just for the record; Hamdan admitted to being bin Laden's driver all along.) One can only assume (assumption being necessary because the trials are held in secret) that the case against Mr. Hamdan was so weak that even the military would have gagged on a conviction. I guess even Army Colonels have to sleep nights.
Nonetheless, George & Co. consider this a complete vindication of the military commission structure. Their spin is that Mr. Hamdan's acquittal on the conspiracy charge is proof that justice is possible, even behind closed doors...with no jury... and secret testimony...and ...and no cross examinations and absent witnesses...and with virtually every participant wearing a military uniform. It remains unclear whether Mr. Hamdan was charged with any traffic-related offenses (failure to signal, parking too close to a hydrant,etc.).
The conviction of bin Laden's chauffeur has drawn interesting reactions from around the world. Former participants in the Nuremberg trials expressed dismay that they failed to prosecute Hitler's green grocer and seamstress. n.b. The Nurmemberg commission actually considered prosecuting Hitler's driver but decided that he was too small a fish. The world court at the Hague was concerned at having allowed Slobodan Milosevic's food taster to escape punishment. And, the Russian government is standing by their decision not to prosecute Stalin's butler and his daughter's tennis coach.
America can rest easier tonight. A dangerous driver is behind bars (where he's been anyway for at least four years). The man responsible for insuring that Osama bin Laden was transported from point A to point B is locked away. Sadly, we were not able to apprehend Mr. Hamdan while he was squiring his famous passenger around the hills of Tora Bora. Alas, we don't even have the car. At least that might have provided a clue as to where bin Laden is spending his nights. We might have snagged an old motel receipt or a discarded book of matches.
Former chief prosecutor-turned- critic Col. Morris Davis spoke volumes when he was quoted as saying if Mr. Hamdan "gets a hefty sentence, it's got to send cold chills down the spine of bin Laden's barber and dry cleaner." What can I say except God is Great!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
...or are tire gauges a clear indication of which campaign is flat?
Let us all take a minute and bow our heads in memory of John McCain's Straight Talk Express. The vehicle that became a symbol of "no more politics as usual" has officially run into a ditch and been abandoned. The dents are too numerous to fix. The paint has peeled away, exposing cancerous rust. The engine, once a potent force, now coughs and sputters like the organ that pumps Dick Chenney's blood. (Why does calling it a "heart" seem so inappropriate?)
We knew the old girl was in trouble when her driver began supporting legislation and policies that he had opposed for most of his political career: tax reductions, drilling for oil in the ANWR, constitutional amendments on marriage, torture and his views on Jerry Falwell. Each of these changes in direction has inflicted serious damage to the steering capability of the bus. The net effect has been that, at this point, no one knows what course the Straight Talk Express is taking. One thing is clear, however; the vehicle has developed a pronounced lurch to the right.
Remember when the old bus was new? It was Feb, 2000 and there was John "Straight Talk" McCain holding court for a small army of reporters. John would go on for hours talking about how America was focused on the wrong issues. There were real enemies out there and we were electing presidential candidates based on prayer in schools and gay marriage. McCain even tackled tough issues like immagration. But, that was a simpler time. A time before the South Carolina primary when McCain realized that pandering to the neocon right was the only road to Pennsylvania Ave.
The STE has logged a lot of miles since 2000 and it's definitely showing its age. When McCain won the Republican nomination the bus appeared ready for one final tour. The candidate promised to discard the fear and smear politics that have become the road map to victory for the GOP. This campaign was to be run on the issues. No personal attacks or dirty tricks. No bumping the other guy when the judges weren't looking. Alas, it was not to be.
This week, McCain's opponent unveiled a modest plan for reducing America's addiction to gasoline. Among those measures was a reminder to drivers that they can reduce fuel consumption by keeping their tires inflated. Hardly a panacea but it had the virtue of being something that we could do today. Americans could shake off the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness by merely adding a few psi to their tires.
Rather than offer an alternative solution, Senator McCain immediately belittled the idea. "We will not reduce America's dependence on foreign oil by inflating our tires." Had this been 1943 one can hear McCain say, "We will not defeat Nazi Germany by saving fat in a can". Government experts estimate that we can reduce our oil consumption by about 3.3% using properly inflated tires. Why is that a bad idea?
The driver of the STE immediately ran to a novelty shop and began producing tire gauges with "Obama Energy Policy" printed on them. You can own one for a $25 contribution to John McCain. Does this sound like a campaign "run on the issues"? After eight years in office, is this the best the Republicans can do? After they have: run the economy into the ground, destroyed American prestige overseas, started an illegal, unjustifiable war, gutted the EPA and Interior and perverted the Justice Department, throwing spit balls at the other guy looks like a good plan. I guess when your current President has a lower approval rating than Eddie Murphy's latest movie, mockery is about all that's left.
It's actually rather sad. John McCain really sold himself as something different. He was going to make us forget Rove, Chenney, Rumsfeld, Addington, Gonzales, Goodling and all of the rest of the Bush brigade. Standing in the middle of a sewer, he was the man with the golden plunger. But that was then and this is now. The Straight Talk Express is a wreck now; left on the side of the political road along with McCain's principals and his convictions. If there is a moral to the story it's this...don't let Monica Goodling interview your next bus driver.
We knew the old girl was in trouble when her driver began supporting legislation and policies that he had opposed for most of his political career: tax reductions, drilling for oil in the ANWR, constitutional amendments on marriage, torture and his views on Jerry Falwell. Each of these changes in direction has inflicted serious damage to the steering capability of the bus. The net effect has been that, at this point, no one knows what course the Straight Talk Express is taking. One thing is clear, however; the vehicle has developed a pronounced lurch to the right.
Remember when the old bus was new? It was Feb, 2000 and there was John "Straight Talk" McCain holding court for a small army of reporters. John would go on for hours talking about how America was focused on the wrong issues. There were real enemies out there and we were electing presidential candidates based on prayer in schools and gay marriage. McCain even tackled tough issues like immagration. But, that was a simpler time. A time before the South Carolina primary when McCain realized that pandering to the neocon right was the only road to Pennsylvania Ave.
The STE has logged a lot of miles since 2000 and it's definitely showing its age. When McCain won the Republican nomination the bus appeared ready for one final tour. The candidate promised to discard the fear and smear politics that have become the road map to victory for the GOP. This campaign was to be run on the issues. No personal attacks or dirty tricks. No bumping the other guy when the judges weren't looking. Alas, it was not to be.
This week, McCain's opponent unveiled a modest plan for reducing America's addiction to gasoline. Among those measures was a reminder to drivers that they can reduce fuel consumption by keeping their tires inflated. Hardly a panacea but it had the virtue of being something that we could do today. Americans could shake off the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness by merely adding a few psi to their tires.
Rather than offer an alternative solution, Senator McCain immediately belittled the idea. "We will not reduce America's dependence on foreign oil by inflating our tires." Had this been 1943 one can hear McCain say, "We will not defeat Nazi Germany by saving fat in a can". Government experts estimate that we can reduce our oil consumption by about 3.3% using properly inflated tires. Why is that a bad idea?
The driver of the STE immediately ran to a novelty shop and began producing tire gauges with "Obama Energy Policy" printed on them. You can own one for a $25 contribution to John McCain. Does this sound like a campaign "run on the issues"? After eight years in office, is this the best the Republicans can do? After they have: run the economy into the ground, destroyed American prestige overseas, started an illegal, unjustifiable war, gutted the EPA and Interior and perverted the Justice Department, throwing spit balls at the other guy looks like a good plan. I guess when your current President has a lower approval rating than Eddie Murphy's latest movie, mockery is about all that's left.
It's actually rather sad. John McCain really sold himself as something different. He was going to make us forget Rove, Chenney, Rumsfeld, Addington, Gonzales, Goodling and all of the rest of the Bush brigade. Standing in the middle of a sewer, he was the man with the golden plunger. But that was then and this is now. The Straight Talk Express is a wreck now; left on the side of the political road along with McCain's principals and his convictions. If there is a moral to the story it's this...don't let Monica Goodling interview your next bus driver.
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