Where are they now?
The recent emergence of Anthony Weiner (I just can't help myself) and the identification of the women he was sexting brings to mind all the delightful sexual transgressions of days gone by. Where are the Fannie Foxes of yesteryear? How titillated we all were at the news that long-time Congressman Wilber Mills was caught cavorting with a woman of "sporting morality" in the Tidal Basin in Washington DC one Oct night in 1974. Actually it was only Ms. Fox who jumped into the water and she was a stripper not a hooker but those are just details.
In any event, the exposure of Mr. Weiner's " amour de selfie" has launched the dubious career of a lady named Sydney Leathers. (So a guy named Weiner is exposing himself to a woman named Leathers? Who's writing this stuff Seth MacFarland? Soupy Sales?) Ms. Leathers has thrown a lanyard around her fifteen minutes of fame in the form of a bikini spread in the New York Post and an interview on Howard Stern. It's sad but, hey, it's August and nothing much is going on.
So just for fun let's play a game called "Match the Miscreant" where you identify the lecher and put him with the lady in his life. Below is a list of famous men who have been identified with various women who then became famous. In fairness, not all of the women were actually guilty of anything. They were just tragically standing too close to some guy when the spotlight came on. There are one or two trick answers. Also, there are more women than men because some guys are serial offenders. No Googling please.
Gary Hart Monica Lewinsky (too easy?)
John Jenrette Mary Jo Kopechne
Eliot Spitzer Gennifer Flowers
Bill Clinton Rielle Hunter
David Petraeus Sherry Rowlands
Dick Morris Christine Keeler
Nelson Rockefeller Paula Jones
Ollie North Deborah Jeane Palfrey
Levi Johnston Amy Fisher
John Edwards Donna Rice
David Vitter Kathleen Willey
John Profumo Elizabeth Ray
Wayne Hays Asley Dupre
Joey Buttafuoco Meghan Marshack
Ted Kennedy Bristol Palin
Rita Jenrette
Mandy Rice Davies
Paula Broadwell
Fawn Hall
I'm sure we forgot a few so please let isitjustme know who we left out and I'll edit the list.
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