Oh, the things we choose to get worked-up about: a ten commandments statue in a courthouse, a creche on public property, a cross in the middle of a national park. Today's tempest involves a Muslim-sponsored, seventeen story cultural center in lower Manhattan which, in additional to a swimming pool and meeting rooms, will contain a mosque. Mosque, by the way, means Muslim place of worship. The only thing that distinguishes this facility from the banquet hall at the Ramada are a few quotes from the Koran which decorate the walls. As you can imagine, it isn't the swimming pool that is making Conservatives crazy.
The problem is that the cultural center sits on Park Place between Broadway and Church St. (ignore the irony) about two blocks from the former site of the World Trade Center. Muslims worshiping or meeting or swimming or breathing anywhere in lower Manhattan makes a segment of the population apoplectic. OK, everyone gets it. It was Muslims, acting, they said, on behalf of Muslims that attacked America on 9-11. The idea that any representative of Islam would build an Islamic anything so close to ground zero strikes some as supremely arrogant and offensive. I'm not nuts about it either. Another site might have shown more sensitivity. Real estate in New York isn't so hard to find. Another location certainly would have seemed less provocative.
That said, this is still America...teabaggers notwithstanding. We do not make laws or, in New York's case, grant landmark status, because something makes us uncomfortable. We don't deny the KKK the right to assemble. We don't consign the Aryan Nation to Toronto to hold rallies. Freedom means freedom for everyone. Hell, we don't even object to fat, old, white people parading through the Capital in funny tri-corn hats. Building an office building containing a mosque near the site of 2,700 deaths might be in bad taste but it's not illegal and it's only a big deal if we make it one.
As with most conservative rage issues, this lends itself to dumb slogans and phony indignation. Everybody wants to hate Muslims. George W. Bush did an admirable job of minimizing any hate-related response to 9-11 but the feelings are still there. Newt Gingrich has been trying desperately to gin-up a fight over whether Sharia law will replace American jurisprudence even though no such movement exists. He has an audience because of the fear of Muslim jihadists. These guys are friggin crazy, right? Islam is, in some forms, a very aggressive religion. Stories of fatwas and beheadings have painted all Muslims as wild-eyed fanatics. (Not that there aren't a few of those out there.) The issue isn't whether some Muslims hate Americans but whether we allow our stereotypes and prejudices to override our sense of justice.
Signs like "why can't we build a church in Mecca?", as usual, miss the point. (Jesus, at least carry a sign that makes sense.) This is about us. The fact that Saudi Arabia is a closed society is about them. Stoning and honor killing in Iran is about them. We are the tolerant ones...maybe to a fault but so what? Our Declaration says "all men are created equal". You get the benefit of the doubt whether you are black or brown, man or woman , Christian or Buddhist. Mayor Bloomberg made maybe the most definitive speech on the subject. He said "We would betray our values and play into our enemies' hands if we were to treat Muslims differently than anyone else". And you thought the Mayor was just another pretty face.
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