So we finally get to it. "Straight talk John McCain" is driving his bus straight for the gutter. McCain is showing the American people that high-road politics only works when it's working. The first time that your poll numbers begin to slip, the gloves come off and we move to character assassination. Forget about the issues that McCain swore would be the core of his campaign. Forget about policies and programs. Let's go right for the groin kick.
We expected better from McCain. After the dirty, disgraceful campaign that the Bushmen threw at McCain in 2000 in South Carolina you would have thought that he might have declined to follow suit. We should have known better. With a model like Karl Rove as Yoda (looks and all) the temptation to rabbit punch was just too great. With an innuendo worthy of Fox News, the McCain camp has shown how it really plans to capture the White House.
A new McCain TV ad states that Obama skipped a visit with wounded troops because the Pentagon wouldn't let him bring in the cameras. This is on top of the crack that Obama would gladly lose a war to win an election. Welcome to "McCain Unmasked".
One can hardly blame a politican as weak and oblivious as McCain from trying virtually any tactic to get someone, anyone, to listen to him. His stump speeches are a blessing for insomniacs. His smile makes him look like Clutch Cargo. His voting record is so fractured that one wonders if he believes in anything. (That includes support for the troops. He opposed the latest GI Bill.) He has supported every piece-of-crap legislation that GWB sponsored and yet he can barely bring himself to speak his name. He has straddled so many issues that his campaign is giving wide-stance lessons to Larry Craig. (ba-dum-bum!)
The primary trait that McCain shares with George the Lessor is that neither one of them can get anyone in the press to cover them. Not just because the media is afflicted with Obama-mania. The reason that NBC, ABC, CBS, and everyone else with a microphone is following Obama is because he's news. He's interesting. Covering Bush and McCain is like committing television suicide. It's like C-SPAN without the pithy dialogue. Who wants to watch some geezer in a Navy baseball hat give a boring speech? I'd rather watch Abraham Simpson (Homer's father) sleep in front of a TV.
Do not expect the Obama people to respond in kind. They didn't do it with Hillary and it's doubtful they will do it with McCain. You won't see a TV ad about McCain's misspent youth (he spent several years attempting to set the indoor drinking record) or his overlapping marriages. You won't hear about his involvement with Charles Keating (McCain accepted more money from Keating than any of the others.) The Obama campaign will continue to paint John McCain as a war hero (I guess getting shot down and captured makes you a hero simply out of touch with the 21st century). Actually, McCain's ignorance of technology puts him out of touch with the latter half of the 20th century also.
When the campaign began to take shape in the late spring, it had all the earmarks of a classy contest with the Marquess of Queensbury rules to be observed at all times. Alas, it was not to be! Although McCain is only trailing by a few points he has already begun eye-gouging and biting. The sad part is that, even with the character assassination and nasty rhetoric, McCain is still the single most boring hack since Cal Coolidge. Maybe John should try a headdress?
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