Thursday, May 08, 2008

...or has Rush Limbaugh migrated from oxycontin to oxymoron?


I don't care what flavor of politics you favor, no one should be happy about Rush Limbaugh,aka: the big, fat, idiot, attempting to manipulate the American electoral process for his own amusement. In a sane country (that would be a place where issues are more important than flag lapel pins) the hubris of a radio airbag believing that he can shape political events from behind a microphone would be laughable. Sadly, we live in a place where a staggering number of people actually hang on this guy's every word. This would be the same country where more people vote for American Idol than president.

It would be one thing to cheer for a candidate whose policies he supports or to belittle the views of the opposition - that is his right. However, encouraging your listener/lemmings to vote for candidates from the other party for the sole purpose of extending the nomination process is reprehensible. Has it ever occurred to this baboon that, by encouraging bad electoral behavior, he is promoting chaos just because he can? If you really care about America you want the two best possible candidates running in November. That way, regardless of who wins, America is in capable hands. It was the underhanded politics and disgraceful tactics of the Republican party in 2000 that gave the country George the Lesser instead of John McCain. How's that working out for you?

If a single Limbaugh devotee really cared about the United States they would disavow this tactic and change the channel. The cynicism of Rush Limbaugh degrades us all.


Hillary, go home! It's over.

Senator Clinton says that she's staying in the race until there is a winner. Hil, baby, there is a winner. He's a skinny black guy.

Do your party a favor and return to Chappaqua or Washington or the Rose Law Firm; anywhere but West Virginia.



Sami al-Hagg, a former photographer for Al-Jazeera (that's a news network not a Simpsons character) was released from the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay...after six years. No charges were ever filed. No court ever heard his case. He simply became one of the 775 "detainees" sacrificed to the post 9-11 vengeance of the Bush administration. Having slept through the summer of 2001, the Bushes were determined to appear responsive. Sympathizers and fellow travelers were rounded up all over the world and dumped in a prison that Amnesty International calls "the gulag of our times". These people have served sentences longer than many murderers in America.

Where's the outrage people? Did the attacks on Sept 11,2001 revoke our status as the good guys?

The only way that anyone in this country will express any emotion about this stain on our conscience is if CBS interrupts an episode of Survivor to expose the problem. Just watch the outrage then!



Osama Hussein need not apply.

Some U.S. air marshals are being refused a seat on flights because their name appears on no-fly lists.

It has been 6 1/2 years since 9-11. You would think that we might have figured this issue out by now. This is just another example of the stellar contractors that have done such a bang-up job in Iraq.



An Arkansas man awaiting trial on murder charges has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that the portion sizes of the meals in prison are causing him to lose weight. Originally incarcerated at a robust 413 pounds, the skimpy chow in the hoosegow has him at a svelte 330. The Arkansas Department of Corrections is contemplating a partnership with Kirstie Alley to promote the "Death Row Diet." The slogan, "Eat like there's no tomorrow and still lose weight."



Speaking of death row...Georgia just couldn't wait to give the needle to William Earl Lynd. (Are all killers required to have three names?) Now that the Supremes have green-lighted a resumption of executions, prisons all over the South are warming up their gurneys and restocking their medicine cabinets with sodium thiopenthal, pancuronium bromide and potassium chloride. The Texas death house looks like a bakery on Sunday morning. They're giving out numbers.

Isitjustme has always opined that, assuming we get it right, the death penalty is an effective way of taking out the trash. Some folks have just worn out their welcome. The problem is, we seem to be getting it wrong too often. Once is the definition of "too often."

The Innocence Project has been instrumental in the release of 216 inmates across America using DNA testing; 16 from death row. Of the 216 wrongfully convicted, 69% were black or Latino. (Everyone who is surprised, raise your hand.) Because Texas and many other bloodthirsty states destroy the evidence after an execution, we may never know how many innocent people died in the "furtherance of justice."



At a recent public appearence, Vladimer Putin leaned toward the party member sitting to his right and whispered, "Do you want to see a trick that I learned from Dick Cheney?" He then proceeded to drink an entire glass of water while Russia's new president Dmitry Medvedev gave a speech.

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