Wednesday, November 07, 2007

...does riding the express train cause you to miss the good stuff in the papers?

News of the day...


The legal community of Islamabad is leading the fight against the recent dictatorial inclinations of General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan. (When your leader's first name is "General" what can you expect?) There are several interesting aspects to this event. Considering the lack of billable hours available to the protesters, it's amazing that so many lawyers could be mobilized so rapidly. Also, one cannot help but be impressed that all the protesters are wearing suits. It's disturbing to realize that Pakistanis can march into the teeth of armed policemen and soldiers dressed better than Americans attending a job interview.

in a related story

The tap dance that the Bush administration is performing regarding Marshall law in Pakistan would qualify for Dancing with the Stars. Americans abhor a crackdown on free expression. However, since we are a little short of friends in the region, it wouldn't do to criticize one of the few we have left. After all, George W. just finished a complicated tango with the Turks. That deal went like this: as compensation for calling their ancestors murderers, we have approved a Turkish attack on the Kurds who are causing trouble in the southeast of Turkey.

The Kurds must be wondering what the Bush family has against them. After The Gulf War (the one that we won), Bush 41 encouraged the Kurds in northernIraq to rise up and overthrow the evil Saddam. When they tried, George H.W. allowed Saddam to fly his Army helicopters against the rebels. That one ended, Iraqi Strongman 1 - Kurds 0.

Now George the Lesser is green-lighting the Turks to hit the Kurds from the west. If Kurdistan ever becomes a country, the Bushes should be very wary of any invitation to visit.



Under the heading "you really can't make this stuff up", Robert A. Singer was arrested at his Falls Church, VA home yesterday on charges of distributing child pornography. The arrest could jeopardize his job as (are you ready?) an executive at the National Children's Museum. This mope even used a computer registered to the Museum to send the pictures. Jesus. This is like learning that Michael Chertoff is secretly a card-carrying member of al Qaeda, or that Karl Rove is married to a man (not that there's anything wrong with that!).



Pope Benedict XVI played host to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia this week in an historic first meeting for the two leaders. The Pope and the King immediately remarked on the similarities of their circumstances:

Both men wear dresses. (The Pope inquired of the King, "Who are you wearing?")

Both leaders broach no deviation from the strict adherence to the fundamental tenents of their respective religions (although the Pope did draw the line at beheadings.)

And most important, both men are trying to lead their respective flocks back to the tenth centurty.

It was unreported as to whether the two men traded team jerseys.

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