Sunday, September 15, 2013

...or should border security be more concerned with who gets out than who gets in?

Much has been written lately about American foreign policy starting with the assertion that we don't actually have a foreign policy. If it's true that Barack Obama is making it up as he goes along, good for him. God forbid a president should include new information in his deliberations. Better to be like his predecessor and never cloud any issue with facts. Anything would be better than the last committee of geniuses who determined our actions on the world stage. To his credit, Barack Obama has navigated some pretty hairy waters regarding Syria lately and so far:
1) No one is dead at our hands
2) We haven't blown anything up
3) Syria may be prepared to fork over those nasty chemical weapons
4) Russia is actually trying to help...maybe
5) No one has died from a US bombing (That bears saying twice.)

Anyway, as America attempts to discover how best to help the most number of people while doing the least amount of harm, a terrible tragedy has occurred. While no one was looking, three deranged psychotics escaped from the loony wing of the U.S. Congress and, in a plot only the Cohen Brothers could imagine, worked their way onto a stage in Cairo. Allowing these three asshats to speak in public is a farce. Allowing them to represent the United States in public is tantamount to allowing Honey Boo-boo to serve as ambassador to the UN. Seriously, if these three are the poster children for democracy, Egyptians everywhere will wish someone had Hosni Mubarak on their speed dial.
This then is the actual address in front of who-knows how many Egyptians. Hopefully no translators were available. Note: Of the people in the U.S. who have seen this video, 32% have applied for citizenship to other countries, 12% to Somalia.
Also, this video has been purchased by Gore Verbinski for his new sequel "Ring 3 - D.C."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This team defies classical math. 1+1+1=0. This trio however, is helping me finish the 3=0 proof now. Or was Bachman just skirting meetings with the Feds on campaign finance irregularities.