Another election in Afghanistan. Another recount. Both sides declare victory. Rumors of voter fraud.
All among you who care which of these thieves wins this politics-in-a-petri-dish, lab experiment, stand over there. As I one.
Why the United States insists on fostering these travesty elections in countries that aren't ready, is a mystery. People in places like Iraq and Afghanistan are focused on more primal concerns like where their next meal is coming from or will their marketplace blow up while they are there.. Which one of their leaders gets elected to share in the opium profits is not among their primary concerns.
No other country has the hubris to proclaim their governing system is perfect and everyone should want to be like them. Actually, having watched the absurd events of this last August in the U.S., most third-world countries would prefer a good dictatorship any day. At least they wouldn't be forced to listen to Chuck Grassley and Max Baccus. Anyway, most third-world citizens may not have democracy but they already have health care.
Please raise your hand if you knew that prostitution was legal in Rhode Island. Seriously, we all knew about Nevada but Rhode Island? True fact! It seems that way back in 1980 legislators were rushing to finish a bill to improve prosecutions. In their haste they inadvertently omitted the section that addressed the actual act of prostitution. In 2003 the loophole was discovered and, as long as the transaction takes place indoors (a virtual certainly in chilly Providence), the sex trade is legal.
As expected, several Republican state legislators are working day and night to close the loophole...and the brothels. (Republicans prefer to do their boinking outdoors, say on the Appalachian Trail.) New Englanders, reluctant to part with any freedoms, are resisting the attempt. Between the ACLU, civil libertarians and presumably the sailors from Newport Naval Station, opposition is stiff. (Sorry!)
The moral of the story is that legislators should read what they vote to approve or prohibit. But wait! Didn't we already learn that lesson with the Patriot Act? The paranoid fear that produced that perversion of the legislative process was also concerned with the loss of freedom and the screwing of the American people ...and it didn't even have to be indoors.
The President of the United States addressed the students of America yesterday and the world as we know it did not come to an end. Honestly, how much misinformation and outright bullshit will the old, white Republican right tolerate before they begin to think for themselves?
Folks, let's handle your issues one at a time: Barack Obama was born in America. If you think otherwise, you're an idiot. He isn't trying to indoctrinate America's youth under the guise of a "stay in school" message. If you imagine otherwise, you're a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nut. And, if you believe he's going to take your government sponsored Medicare by replacing it with another government sponsored health plan well, actually, he is and everyone except the shareholders of healthcare companies will benefit.
He is black and he is your President. Please...go find something else to do beside rave at your legislators at town hall meetings. You look stupid and ill informed. If you must protest, go do it at Rush Limbaugh's recording studio. He's the one making you look like clueless sheep.
1 comment:
Bill, You said it better than I would have, and I applaud you. Love your writing (of course, I'm able to hear your voice in my head -- Great Delivery!).
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